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Special Operations Command, South (U.S. Army Element) Patch. US Army

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On an ultramarine blue oval fimbriated white with a 1/8 inch (.32 cm) olive drab border 3 inches (7.62 cm) in height and 2 1/2 inches (6.35 cm) in width overall, a white parachute above a white vol, overall a yellow trident superimposed by a silver gray dagger point up in base, all superimposed by three red lightning flashes bendwise. Attached above the insignia is a blue arced tab inscribed “AIRBORNE” in white letters.

The parachute represents the Airborne status of the unit and is a primary means of delivery of forces. The three lightning bolts represent the sea, air, and land mediums used for rapid deployment of forces. The dagger, a replica of the stiletto issued to the 1st Special Service Force, ties the organization to its U.S. Army Special Operations forefathers. The wings represent the rotary wing aviation component of the Army. The trident is representative of the U.S. Army Special Forces surface, sub-surface and small boat operations.

The shoulder sleeve insignia was approved on 31 May 1995. (TIOH Dwg. No. A-1-818)

Another category of: Special Operations Command

US Army Ranger Tab KISKA Task Force Special Forces Patch. US Army US Army Special Operations Aviation Command ( ARSOAC) шеврон 2-й военно-морской группы США специальных приемов ведения войны, район Шах Вали Кот, Афганистан.
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