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Defense Language School (USA Element) Patch. US Army

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On a shield divided bendwise white and scarlet separated by a blue bar with a black griffin's head at top and a silver gray depiction of the Rosetta Stone at bottom all within a 1/8 inch (.32 cm) yellow border. The overall dimensions are 3 inches (7.62 cm) in height and 2 1/2 inches (6.35 cm).

Red, white and blue are our National colors. The Rosetta Stone symbolizes the Defense Language Foreign Language Center's mission and is combined with the griffin's head to underscore the vital role of language and intelligence in total military preparedness.

The shoulder sleeve insignia was approved on 30 April 1999. It was amended to extend wear to the U.S. Army Element, Defense Language Institute English Language Center on 28 June 2013. (TIOH Dwg. No. A-1-841)

Another category of: Military Schools

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