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16 Corps Patch. US Army

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On an olive drab shield 3 3/4 inches (9.53cm) in height a white compass rose with a blue center, all within a 1/8 inch (.32cm) blue border.

Blue and white are the Corps colors, while the compass rose is indicative of the readiness of the personnel of the Corps to serve their country in any part of the world.

The shoulder sleeve insignia was originally approved for the XVI Corps on 3 Apr 1944. It was redesignated for the XVI U. S. Army Corps on 21 Jan 1958. A distinctive unit insignia was not approved for the XVI U. S. Army Corps. (TIOH Dwg. No. A-1-72)

Another category of: Corps Patches

15 Corps Patch. US Army 24 Corps Patch. US Army 8 Corps Patch. US Army 3 Corps Patch. US Army 22 Corp Patch. US Army
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