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5 Armored Brigade Patch. US Army

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Centered on a white elongated hexagon 2 inches (5.08 cm) in width and 3 inches (7.62 cm) in height overall, a blue torch throughout with scarlet flame at top and the handle surmounted by two scarlet V-shaped chevrons.

The flaming torch is symbolic of education and enlightenment. The V-shaped chevron suggests the number of the Brigade and the repetition of the V-shape illustrates the basic tenet that all learning is accomplished by repetition. The colors are adapted from the 89th ARCOM insignia.

The shoulder sleeve insignia was originally approved for the 5th Brigade (Training) on 29 February 1984. It was redesignated for the 5th Armored Brigade on 17 November 1997. (TIOH Dwg. No. A-1-688)

Another category of: Armored

III Armored Corps Patch. US Army Нарукавный знак 306-о бронетанкового батальона СВ США. 1 Armored Corps Patch. US Army 5 Armored Division Patch. US Army 10 Armored Division Patch. US Army
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