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Department of the Army Police Patch. Alpha Units. US Army

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Shoulder Sleeve Insignia

On a black shield-shaped device edged with a 1/8 inch (.32 cm) gold border a celeste blue disc charged with a gold eagle, wings displayed, discharging an arc of fifteen lightning flashes of the same below it, all enclosed within a dark blue encircling scroll edged gold, inscribed "DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY" above and "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" below in white letters, and arced at the top of the shield above the device the word "POLICE" or "GUARD", also in white.

The eagle symbolizes the United States of America. The lightning flashes represent the fifteen Army Major Commands and signify speedy response and technical resources of the first rank. Gold denotes excellence and celeste blue represents the Army.

The shoulder sleeve insignia was authorized on 20 August 2001. (TIOH Drawing Number A-1-778)

Another category of: Alpha Units

Pacific Coastal Frontier Patch. Alpha Units. US Army USA Air Traffic Services Command Patch. Alpha Units. US Army USA Retired Patch. Alpha Units. US Army USAE United States Forces Korea Patch. Alpha Units. US Army USA Marksmanship Unit Patch. Alpha Units. US Army
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