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Army Air Forces Patch. Alpha Units. US Army

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Shoulder Sleeve Insignia

On an ultramarine disk (2 5/8 inches diameter) is imposed in the lower segment a white star , 1 1/8 inch point to point, with a red disk superimposed and covering the entire center of the star. Surmounting the star are two gold stylized wings extending upward and outward at 45 degrees.

The ultramarine disk represents the sky and air, the medium in which the Air Force operates. The white star with red disk has been the identifying symbol of the U.S. Army airplane since its inception. The golden wings surmounting the star are an indication of victorious operations.

The insignia was authorized for wear by AAF Regulation 35-11 dated March 21, 1942. The use of the insignia was discontinued after the Air Force was established as a separate Service under the National Security Act of 1947.

Another category of: Alpha Units

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