World Military Encyclopedia
> Kazakhstan
> Patches
> Shoulder Sleeve Patches
> Republic of Kazakhstan Border Guard Patches
> KZ-NAPSK-00017

Cadets Patch of the Institute of Border Troops Committee the National Security of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Patch of 56th Tilsit separate regiment of communications and automated control Air Force Republic of Belarus

Нарукавный знак розведки 14-ой бригады Национальной Гвардии Украины г. Львов

шеврон 72-го отдельного механизированного батальона украинского миротворческого контингента в Ираке.
To change information
Cadets Patch of the Institute of Border Troops Committee
the National Security of the Republic of Kazakhstan
the National Security of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Another category of: Republic of Kazakhstan Border Guard Patches