World Military Encyclopedia
> Israel
> Patches & Tags
> Shoulder Tags
> Intelligence Tags
> IL-IDFIT-00004

Military Intelligence Directorate "Aman" Shoulder Tag Israel Defense Forces

Company (BALTBAT) of Lithuanian peacekeepers under Denmark command in BiH, exYugoslavia

Wyoming State Area Command Patch. US Army National Guard

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The Directorate of Military Intelligence (Hebrew: אגף המודיעין, Agaf HaModi'in – lit. "the Intelligence Section", often abbreviated to Aman) is the central, overarching military intelligence body of the Israel Defense Forces. Aman was created in 1950, when the Intelligence Department was spun off from the IDF's General Staff (then, Agam: אג"ם); the Intelligence Department itself was composed largely of former members of the Haganah Intelligence Service (HIS). Aman is an independent service, and not part of the ground forces, navy or the Israeli Air Force.
Another category of: Intelligence Tags