Armoured School "Sayarim" Shoulder Tag Armored Forces IDF

Нарукавный знак 317 воздушно-десантного полка ВДВ Вооруженных сил Республики Беларусь

Кокарда эмблема на фуражку старшин технической службы Королевских военно морских сил

Нарукавный знак 977-ой артиллерийской базы вооружения Вооруженных сил Республики Беларусь
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Armored Corps school (454th Armor Division of the "Bney Hayil" Brigade) shoulder tag. The 454th Armor Division was first formed in 1948 and served as the Armored Corps school until it amalgamation into the 460th Brigade.
The Armored Corps school maintains two bases: the Shizafon training base - the school for the corps' commanders, where the officers and tank commanders are instructed; and Camp Magen-Sayarim, the Armored Corps school, where basic and continued training is undertaken, preparing armor combatants for serving in the operational brigades.
The Israeli Armored Corps (Hebrew: חֵיל שִׁרְיוֹן , Heil HaShiryon) bases its power on a combination of mobility, armor, and firepower. During wars, its role is, on the one hand, to lead the first line of the attacking forces and to clear the area of the enemy, while on the other hand, to block the armor forces of the enemy and to destroy its tanks and armor. During peacetime, it reinforces the Infantry Corps while it performs security tasks, with the tanks serving as a mobile bunker.
The Armored Corps school maintains two bases: the Shizafon training base - the school for the corps' commanders, where the officers and tank commanders are instructed; and Camp Magen-Sayarim, the Armored Corps school, where basic and continued training is undertaken, preparing armor combatants for serving in the operational brigades.
The Israeli Armored Corps (Hebrew: חֵיל שִׁרְיוֹן , Heil HaShiryon) bases its power on a combination of mobility, armor, and firepower. During wars, its role is, on the one hand, to lead the first line of the attacking forces and to clear the area of the enemy, while on the other hand, to block the armor forces of the enemy and to destroy its tanks and armor. During peacetime, it reinforces the Infantry Corps while it performs security tasks, with the tanks serving as a mobile bunker.
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