World Military Encyclopedia
> Germany
> Headgears Emblems, Badges
> Headgears Emblems, Badges of Bundeswehr
> Bundeswehr Beret Cloth Embroidered Badges
> DE-BBCB-00020

Bundeswehr Embroidered Beret Insignia ""Military music service"". Germany Federal Defence Force

Нарукавный знак Вооруженных Сил Республики Беларусь

шеврон 7-й отдельной механизированной бригады миротворческого контингента ВС Украины в Ираке.

Patch "flag" on the beret, helmet cover of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Iraq
To change information
Bundeswehr Embroidered Beret Insignia ""Military music service"". Germany Federal Defence Force
Another category of: Bundeswehr Beret Cloth Embroidered Badges